The Pace Family. These are some of my favorite people. I first met Donna seven years ago via the telephone as I was trying to find a place to live in Chicago while we were still living in Bloomington, Indiana. She was so helpful and without her knowledge of the way things at Moody worked, we would have waited another year to move there. Who knew we would meet at "Student Wives Fellowship" at Moody and become great friends. And who knew they shared Thomas' passion for Italy and that eventually we would share a continent and a country a whole ocean away from the US? We have been in each other lives during crucial moments over the years. I will never forget when Donna met me at the Emergency Room right after Thomas was burned in the same building where we all lived. She sat with me while I cried and prayed over me and when they brought me Thomas' wedding ring from his badly burned finger, she said, "Cling to that. That is hope, Cristi."
After so many shared meals and prayers and laughs and seasons of life together, I know that the Paces will always be in our lives. They are a beautiful family and I am struggling to find the words to say just how much they mean to me. We had the chance to see them last weekend as they live only a couple of hours away from us in the city of Genova. They mentioned needing some updated photos, so we headed out on a walk and used an old Catholic Church as the backdrop for some candid shots. These were all taken within about thirty minutes, as we were on a time crunch, but with such beautiful people, it's hard to take a bad shot! Love you all: Phil, Donna, Abby, Elizabeth, Caleb and sweet, sweet Phoebe!